Create Electrolysed Water at the Touch of a Button
The EVO Home is an easy-to-use home appliance that uses electrolysis to turn water, salt and vinegar into a highly effective, all-purpose solution that cleans, disinfects and deodorizes.

The Safest Way to Disinfect and Clean your Home
The EVO Home creates a powerful, safe, multi-purpose solution to replace other harmful household cleaners. Kills bacteria and viruses, cuts through grease and grime, and eliminates odours. Safe to use throughout your home and gentle enough to use on fresh produce.
The Science Behind Electrolysed Water
How is electrolysed water made?
When you run an electric current through a solution of salt and water, the salt and water molecules are separated into their elements, and then rearrange to create two new super compounds Hypochlorous Acid and Sodium Hydroxide.
Safe everyday ingredients and simple science is all it takes to create the perfect disinfecting and cleaning solution. Tried, tested and scientifically proven to eliminate germs and viruses.

Known as HOCl, it is a super effective disinfectant. It kills germs, viruses and bacteria and it’s also what your body produces to naturally protect and heal. That’s why HOCl is often called ‘natures own germ defence’.

Is a super effective cleaning agent that is commonly found in everything from skincare products to regular household cleaners. Even though only a tiny amount is created, it cuts through grease and grime and all sorts of household mess.
The Effectiveness of HOCl
HOCl has been proven to be extremely effective in eliminating viruses and coronaviruses, including COVID-19. HOCl kills germs on contact by penetrating and destroying their cell walls. HOCl has a very quick ‘kill’ time and successfully neutralises viruses on contact.
HOCl is up to 100 times more efficient at killing microbial pathogens than the more commonly used chlorine bleach.

The Safety of HOCl
HOCl is extremely safe as it is a completely natural product with no irritants, preservatives or additives.
It does not irritate the skin or eyes and can be inhaled without side effect. In fact, it is so safe that it can be used to disinfect fresh produce and on food preparation surfaces.
HOCl is EPA approved and widely used in many commonly used products from wound healing, wound care and eye care products to beauty products and veterinary products.

All-Natural and Safe for the Entire Family

Just as effective as regular cleaning products
Cuts through grease and grime as easily as standard cleaners but without any of the harmful chemicals.
Cleans virtually any surface throughout your home including tiles, granite, wood, laminate, glass, rubber, plastic and stainless steel . Mop floors, scrub the bathroom and clean kitchen counters with just one family friendly product.

Gentle on your Pocket
For less than 50c a litre, you can keep your whole house clean and germ free.
No need to spend a fortune on a trolley full of cleaning and disinfecting products. The EVO Home all-purpose solution cleans, disinfects and deodorises.

Gentle on the Earth. Gentle on your Home.
Cutting down on bottles of cleaning products means using less plastic, while using an eco-friendly alternative means fewer harmful toxins in the environment. That’s great for the earth.
Getting rid of harsh chemicals in your home means exposing your loved ones to fewer harmful toxins. That’s great for your family.

When you run an electric current through the solution of salt and water, the salt and water molecules are separated into their elements, and then rearrange to create two brand new super compounds. Hypochlorous Acid and Sodium Hydroxide.