What is HOCl?
HOCl is the scientific formula for Hypochlorous acid. HOCl occurs naturally in the human body as an oxidant to heal and protect, which is why HOCl is often called ‘nature’s germ killer’.
HOCl can be created by electrolysing a solution of water and salt. The electrolysis causes the components of the water (H20) and the salt (NACL) to split and create a weak acid called Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl). The process of electrolysing water to create HOCl has been widely used since the 1970’s on an industrial scale in areas such as healthcare and food safety.
HOCl is up to 100 times more efficient at killing microbial pathogens than the more commonly used chlorine bleach (sodium hypochlorite).
The effectiveness of HOCl
HOCl has been proven to be extremely effective in eliminating viruses and coronaviruses, including COVID-19. HOCl kills germs on contact by penetrating and destroying their cell walls. HOCl has a very quick ‘kill’ time and successfully neutralises viruses on contact.
Further Reading
EPA approval for HOCl in use against COVID- 19 (March 2020)
HOCl safety regarding food contact & other surfaces – HOCl approved at 200ppm (2005)
Visit hocl.com – a website dedicated to HOCl, including research publications and medical studies

The safety of HOCl
It does not irritate the skin or eyes and can be inhaled without side effect. In fact, it is so safe that it can be used to disinfect fresh produce and on food preparation surfaces.
HOCl is EPA approved and widely used in many commonly used products from wound healing, wound care and eye care products to beauty products and veterinary products.